MS Class

Free Class For MS Sufferers


Multiple Sclerosis sufferers and those who offer care and support, will attend a free class on October 11, 2003 to hear a scientific explanation of how our everyday interaction with others can work for or against us in dealing with physical discomforts and emotional disturbances.

At this free presentation Ginny Lucas and Frank Lucas will help interested individuals understand and experience for themselves how specific conversational techniques can elicit physiological improvement in the body and behavior. Ginny Lucas has earned an undergraduate degree in psychology and a doctorate degree in Clinical Hypnosis. Her husband Frank is also a certified clinical hypnotherapist and co-owner of Evergreen Professional Hypnotherapy and Personal Improvement Center in Stockton.

“When others talk to us, when we talk to others, and even when we talk to ourselves, the subconscious part of the mind is listening in, interpreting information as suggestions. When the suggestions are accepted and internalized, change occurs without conscious choice,” states Dr. Lucas, adding,

“Sometimes we think we’re saying the right thing, but because we’re saying it in the wrong way in terms of the language of the subconscious mind, our message has an effect opposite from what we intended.” This does not require the deep state of relaxation typically associated with hypnosis.

Techniques to be discussed derive from the Rising Tide ™ model for group support, as developed by the Lucas team. This model has recently been used to train various public health department committees which focus on smoking cessation (funded by prop 10).

“Specific concerns can be targeted,” Frank Lucas explains, “such as smoking cessation or, in this case, dealing with MS.”

The Rising Tide core group, which is free to members, has been in place for nearly two years and focuses on personal and professional self-improvement. Parties interested in joining this group, or in training to form their own support group, can call (209)472-0722.