Ginny Lucas DCH, PhD

Frank Lucas CCH, ACH
Stockton (209) 472-0722
Ginny Lucas
In the seventies, while earning a degree in psychology, Ginny found herself being held back by a hatred of math. Statistics was a required class, and she couldn’t bring herself to study.
She went to a local psychologist and asked him to use hypnosis to help her get past her mental block. With just one session she found herself eagerly attacking assignments, studying at every opportunity (including reading her text book while soaking in the tub), and asking for extra help in order to gain a clear understanding of the course. Not only did she earn an A in the class, but when her instructor diagrammed the results of the final exam on the board, there was one grade in the 98th percentile — Ginny’s. From that time on she learned and practiced self-hypnosis for a variety of purposes, including labor and delivery.
Upon graduation she married and dedicated herself to being a stay-at-home wife, then mother of three. Circumstances eventfully led her to a 20-year career as a legal secretary. When the time came for another change, she revisited her love of psychology and eventually earned her PhD, augmenting an interim doctorate degree in Clinical Hypnosis.
Ginny opened the first Evergreen office in 1992, her husband joined her in the practice, and in 2003 she was named Stockton’s Small Business Person of the Year.
Over the years a growing number of schools of hypnosis began certifying anyone who paid the registration fee, regardless of their actual prowess. Ginny noticed some people practicing with little or poor quality training, with no sense of professionalism, and with questionable ethics. Watching the bar being lowered inspired Ginny to turn her focus from helping clients to mentoring other hypnotherapists wanting to achieve success by meeting higher standards. Her mentoring program, Acumen Certification Training(tm), is aimed toward raising the bar on hypnotherapy, one practitioner at a time.
After traveling a year from Alaska, along the Western States, and to Hawaii to promote her fourth book, Charming Children, she returned to the practice as a credentialed psychologist specializing in clinical hypnosis.
Her interests include horseback riding, writing, reading, and spoiling her 5 grandchildren and 2 great grandchildren. Not necessarily in that order.
Become a follower at DocGinDigsIn.blogspot.com
Frank Lucas
Frank is a certified clinical hypnotherapist, and Evergreen’s primary clinician. He is a graduate of Acumen Certification Training, a program that emphasizes competence, ethics, and professionalism.
He conducts private sessions, group sessions, dual-voice sessions, and Eye Movement Desensitization & Reprocessing sessions. He also co-facilitates the various workshops offered by Evergreen at colleges throughout the state.
He attended University of Arizona, and is a Viet Nam veteran. His background includes electronics as well as retail sales and business management, for which he has won national awards.
Frank was a 2005-2008 member of the Board of Directors of the Greater Stockton Chamber of Commerce, and is past Co-chair of STOPP (San Joaquin County Smoking & Tobacco Outreach/Prevention Project Coalition). He is a founding member of the Tobacco Free Families task force, a former member of the Government Relations Committee and the Small Business Council, and is President of the Founders Club of Business Networking International. He belongs to Successful Thinkers (Stockton & Lodi).
His interests include martial arts (he has been a winning competitor in Western States tournaments), and science fiction. He is an avid reader and is co-author of ASAP — Affirming Success And Prosperity.
He has been married to Dr. Ginny Lucas since 1976, has two sons, a daughter, five grandchildren and two great grandchildren.
Donald Wilson
1932 – 2005
It was our privilege to have Don Wilson as a member of our staff for too brief a time, providing services for our clients and becoming our dear friend. He had more than forty years of experience as a hypnotherapist, and joined us in recording several CD’s. Sadly, he died suddenly in April of 2005, while photographing the scenery around the home of his childhood in Napa, CA. He will be forever admired by many and missed by us on both a professional and a personal level.